Jamming Online With A Remote Musician!

Last week I have finally took the time to use my network streaming tool “Connector” to to jam online (twice!) with my good friend Stéphane (No One Came keyboard player).
And it turned out to be working very well, with such a low latency that it felt like we were playing in the same room, and yet we live 400 km apart!
We’ll do some more testing in the future and maybe try to record ourselves remotely too, but I am very enthusiastic after this experience: I can keep playing with my friends when when they are far away!
Here are two short videos shot during our online jam-session. As you can hear, we could play together in sync without any problem!
Of course we could still experience some audio drop outs from time to time (IP networks are not known to be very stable!), but it just produces a short “plop” here and there and does not interrupt the session.
As you can maybe see in the pictures below, we were using WhatsApp in parallel (with our mobile connections) to see each other while playing (no sound here, our voices went thru the low latency audio connection together with the instruments, that’s much better!).
I am honestly amazed that this is all working so well! Optic fiber connection was definitely worth the wait!

Want to know more about this tool and how to jam online with it? Check out this tutorial on the Blue Cat Audio website: